2023 ESA SWAN HILL TEEN CAMP – 3rd-7th July

Come along!

We are excited to welcome you back to Swan Hill Teen Camp again this year! Enjoy fun activities and games planned and organised by our committed directors, Alannah and Nicki, and the leadership team! Enjoy hearing encouraging talks about the bible, God and life with Him!


Cost: $300 per person
Date: Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July 2023
RSVP: We kindly ask that you register for camp by Monday 19th of June.
Location: 125 Monash Dr, Swan Hill VIC 3585, Pioneer Settlement
More Information: camps@esa.org.au

Closer to the date, you will be sent a camp letter which will include all the important details for camp: the camp theme, what to pack, what kind of activities to expect, when exactly to arrive and depart etc.

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