ESA is an interdenominational Christian organisation that works in partnership with communities, individuals, families, organisations, agencies, denominations and local churches.
Vision Statement
In fulfilling its part in the great commission ESA Country Ministries is committed to a unique work of evangelism and disciple making in country communities so that people will come to Christ and grow to be effective in the life of the church.
Mission Statement
In partnership with God's people, ESA Country Ministries will send and maintain country-based workers to serve alongside Church with a youth and family focused ministry through:
- Evangelism
- Disciple Making
- Camping
- Training
Doctrinal Statement
The basis of belief;
1. A wholehearted acceptance of the revelation of God given in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
2. A confession of the faith set forth and summarised in such historic statements of the Christian Church as the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and;
3. In particular, the assertion of doctrine, summarily stated as follows:
(a) One God eternally existent in three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
(b) The Deity and perfect humanity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to Heaven, His mediatorial work, intercession and reign, and personal return in power and glory as judge of all mankind;
(c) The universal sinfulness of human nature, in consequence of the Fall, making mankind subject to God’s wrath and condemnation;
(d) Redemption from the guilt and power of sin through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ as our representative and substitute, and the justification of the sinner by grace through faith alone;
(e) The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration of the sinner and sanctification of the believer,
(f) The unity in the Holy Spirit of all true believers in the Church which is the body of Christ;
(g) The divine inspiration of all Holy Scripture, its trustworthiness and its supreme authority and sufficiency in all matters of faith and conduct.
ESA Country Ministries
ABN 64 004 969 019