Policy & Procedure

This page is currently unlinked from the ESA website - if you are viewing this, you've followed an old link; please note we're currently updating policies and many of those listed below are now out of date. 

Please contact us for the most up-to-date version. 

This page contains the links for all current ESA policies, procedures and documents.  Please ensure you are aware of the Version ID and Date which are shown to be sure you are reading the latest version.
Any document missing is due to the current development and review of that procedure, for any further information on these please feel free to contact us.

Type,Reference, Description, Current Version, Previous Versions
Section 1 Governance

Policy, 1.1, Doctrinal Statement of faith, 1.1

Policy, 1.2, Mission Statement, 1.1

Policy, 1.3, Vision Statement, 1.1

Document, 1.6, Articles of Association, 1961

Document, 1.7, Constitution, 1972

Document, 1.8, Constitution, April 2015, Feb 2015

Policy, 1.9, Delegated Authorities, April 30 2015
Section 2 People
Policy, 2.1, New Employee, 1.1
Document, 2.2, Volunteer Worker Expression of Interest, 2014B, 1.1
Document, 2.3, Confidential Pastoral Reference, 2014B, 1.1
Document, 2.4, Volunteer Worker Contract, 2014B, 1.1
Document, 2.5, New Volunteer Worker Process, December 1 2013
Document, 2.6, Volunteering Australia Volunteers Rights and Checks

Policy, 2.10, Workplace Gender Equality, 2015

Policy, 2.11, Confidentiality Statement, July 2015
Section 3 Financial
Policy, 3.1, Investment Policy, 1.1
Policy, 3.2, Credit / Debit Card, 2.0
Policy, 3.3, Payments and Reimbursements to workers
Policy, 3.4, Camp fees

Policy, 3.5, Equipment Hire

Policy, 3.5.1, Canoe Hire

Policy, 3.5.2, Vehicle Hire

Section 4 Professional Standards, 1.1
Policy, 4.1, Reporting and Complaints
Policy, 4.2, Child Protection
Policy, 4.2.1, Director of Professional Standards
Document, 4.X, Making a complaint brochure
Policy, 4.3, Harassment

Policy, 4.4, Privacy
Section 5 Information Technology
Policy, 5.1, Internet
Policy, 5.2, Social Media
Policy, 5.3, Photography
Policy, 5.4, Image Release
Policy, 5.5, Information Technology Use

Policy, 5.6, Online Accounts

Section 6 Partnership Committees
Section 7 O.H.S. & E
Policy, 7.1, Chainsaw
Policy, 7.2, Sunsmart

Doc, 7.2.1, Swimming /  Water Clothing, 2015
Policy, 7.3, Driving

Policy, 7.4, Leader to Camper Ratio, 1 June 2015

Section 8 Insurance

Document, 8.2, Certificate of Currency (our insurance coverage certificate), 2015

Document, 8.3, Boat Owner Insurance Letter

Section 9 Camps (Directors Manual)

Document, 9.01, Introduction, 2012

Document, 9.02, Planning the camp, 2012

Document,9.03, Running the camp, 2012

Document,9.04, Finishing the camp, 2012

Document, 9.05, Completing the circle, 2012

Document, 9.06, References and further reading, 2012

Document, 9.07, ESA policies specific to camps, 2012

Document, 9.08, Checklists, 2012

Document, 9.09, Planner and Forms, 2012

Document, 9.10, Injury Illness or Incident Report Form, 2015, 2012

Document, 9.11, Leader Evaluation Form, 2012

Document, 9.12, Director Evaluation Form, 2012

Document, 9.13, Camper Evaluation Form, 2012

Document, 9.14, Emergency Phone Numbers, 2012



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